Project - Black Roofs


Green living

Living green is the current trend in the real estate world. The Black Roofs project takes up this trend and holds an A-class energy certificate. The houses are designed for your comfort to the tiniest detail, and at the same time, with both nature and your wallet in mind, are considerate of you and the planet.

House that thinks

Black Roofs are ready for a smart home setup. You can control heating, lights or sprinklers from anywhere. You won’t ever have to worry if you left the lights on when leaving for the weekend. All can be done with a simple click. The house is even ready to charge your electromobile.

The top of living

In the two-storey Black Roofs house you can enjoy a large garden and beautiful views from the balcony overlooking the countryside. The second floor, where the living room and the kitchen are located, can turn into a meeting place for your friends, while on the ground floor you can create your private oasis of peace and serenity.

Look under the Black Roof

We completed and furnished one of the Black Roofs houses so you could see how your future home can look. Come to check out what is hidden under the roof. Contact us and let us be your guide to Vysoký Újezd and to your new home in Black Roofs.

I want to visit Black Roofs
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GETBERG a Situace s COVID-19

Dění kolem koronaviru nás zasáhlo všechny a GETBERG není výjimkou. Bereme vážně opatření nařízená vládou, v kancelářích máme k dispozici dezinfekci, ale z preventivních důvodů se s vámi nyní osobně nepotkáme. Veškeré požadavky a náležitosti však dokážeme vyřídit online, případně za vámi můžeme poslat řidiče, který dokumenty doveze k vám i zpět.

Prodej nemovitostí se nezastavil. Naopak věříme, že i v této době je investice do bydlení dobrou volbou, která navíc může přinést zajímavé příležitosti.
